15 March, 2011

The history of winemaking in Moldova

Vine growth and wine making in Moldova started now 4-5 thousand years ago, when the Dacians were found the wine in grape. Winemaking has intensified with the Greek colonists who reached the Black Sea coast by III centuries BC. AD, bringing with them their winemaking traditions they shared with locals. The year 100 AD, the prosperous times of the Roman Empire in this land, winemaking has spread more and more. With the creation of the Moldovan feudal state in the XIV century, viticulture has developed more rapidly. It peaked in the XV century, during the reign of Stefan cel Mare, who ordered to import new varieties of vine and stimulated production of quality wines. At the beginning of the XVI century, Moldova fell vassal of Ottoman Empire, which prohibited winemaking.
Thus, for the next 300 years ,winemaking suffered a dramatic decline. However, ultimately wine heritage, reborn after the Bucharest Peace Treaty of 1812, when the region was annexed to the Russian Empire.Russian nobility bought wineries existing and began to cultivate the local varieties ,predominantly Rara Neagra, Plavai, Galbena, Zghiharda, Batuta Neagra, Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Neagra and others . In the second half of theXIX century, Bessarabia were invited winemakers and imported varieties of French vines. This is due to many noble vine varieties in Moldova. Around this time the wine regions of Moldova how is Purcari achieved international fame. Still thriving wine industry in Moldova by 1837 producing more than 10 million litre per year. Unfortunately by the end of the XIXcentury, Moldavian winemaking has again suffered from phylloxera epidemic that destroyed many vineyards. However, by 1906 vine plantations were restored to normal by planting grafted varieties, and by 1914 the territory of Bessarabia were most planted vine in the Russian Empire.
The events of I and II World War have a negative impact on vine plantations in the region were many destroyed of winemaking stalled.Just after the end of II World War Moldovian vineyards began to return back.And indeed have returned, thanks to a campaign of widespread planting of vines in the ‘50. By 1960 the total area planted with vines was 220,000 hectare.In 20 years Republic of Moldova was the largest wine producting Uniun.Every second bottle of wine and every third bottle of sparkling wine were produced in Moldova.In the mid of ‘80 Moldovian wine industry has been hit again, this time by the alcohol ban campaign promoted by the Secretary PC USSR Mikhail Gorbaciov.Vineyards in mass had been cleared and wines were destroyed.After were declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, the wine industry started hard and difficult road of recovering.By mid ’90 wineries have been privatized, and the owners began to make considerable investments in equipment modern.Considerable investment in vine plantations were made during 2000-2005, when many wineries have decided to plant varieties of European populare clones.In 2007, Moldova cultivate 156.40 hectares, which 96% were private.Last 5-7 years about 40% of all wine companies and those producing cognac invested in new plantations of vines in order to ensure a flow of highest quality grapes.
Viticulture and winemaking after the years have remained the main type of activity in the population. Confirm this fact can be found not only in written documents and historical relics, but in folklore, habits of Moldovans. Multi secular development of the land is inextricably linked to developments in practiceof wine-making process, in chronological appearance, has undergone in many stages: 
- Prehistoric period 
- Ancient Period 
- Middle Ages 
- The new and modern period 
Prehistoric Period 
In Moldova, the wine is produced from ancient times. Spontaneous form of the vine has been known in this area since Neolithic times, is seven thousand years ago. 
Viticulture was already concern for people during tripolian period – on the shards of pottery and earthenware, produced between 2700-3000 BC, have been identified grape seed, one of them, according to specialists in the field, undoubtedly belonging to a variety worship. 
Processing (fermentation) grape and wine production was one of ancient activities in this area.
Ancient Period 
As the archaeological excavations made in Moldova, about 2,500 years ago the Greek colonists were familiar with the local population processes used by them in wine, this is one of the key branches of ancient Greek state economy. Then started on our land "industrial scale" (in reality that time) wine production for domestic consumption and trade in other commodities. 
A new impulse for further development of wine came with the flowering period of the Roman Empire, which had rule in Dacia, including those between the Dniester and Prut. Terminology that speaks about their impact, which people use to this day for everything related to wine.
Middle Ages 
In this historical period in Moldovian boyars was implanted a particular "cult of wine", which promoted development of wine. The Royal Court officials whose care were vineyards and wineries. It is significant that for quality wines, especially those who were served at the voivode table, vel-butler would answer with literally own head. 
In XIVcentury began wine exports to Poland and Grand Pricipality Moscow. During the Ottoman yoke (XVth - XVIIIth) deliveries have not stopped, but were extended and more takes Ukraine and Orient. Exactly at that time start history of Moldova as an exporter permanently of wine. 
Orthodoxy as the dominant religion has also contributed to the development of wine, because wine was used as religious rituals and daily use of temples and monasteries. Note that the quality of wine from the church had a rigorous set of requirements, formulated in "Slujebnicul" since 1699. Another noticeable fact is that the monastery "Novodevicii" in Moscow (New convent of nuns) remains till now a large partner of Purcari wines. 
Unfortunately, nobody knows exactly the volume of wine produced in those times, but remains undisputed that the goods were fully included in natural and commercial exchanges, bringing a solid income for the country of Moldova.
New and modern period 
A separate phase began with the incorporation of Bessarabia into the Russian Empire in 1812. Metropolitan aristocracy made a fashion of "the foundation of wine estates, for the selected varieties were imported from France. As a result, the industry has seen a spectacular dynamic development - Bessarabia land placing at first place in Russia to 50% of all wines produced in the Empire. If in 1837 there were 13,000 vineyard desetine and production of 1 million gallons of wine, then the next century plantations already occupied 74 000 desetine and wine production reached 15 million, which 2/3 were exported, including in France, which at that time felt an shortage due to the loss of his plantations. 
Also in that age some wine microzone started historically obtaining a prestige beyond the borders of our country. For example, high quality red wines, from Purcari, Tighina County, are widely known for three centuries. They were honored in 1878 with the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris. Russian imperial family purchase Purcari wines for court cellar. In XIX century began deliveries Negru de Purcarito British royal house. Romanov family eventually founded a wine company in Bessarabia , called Romanesti. Production from Romanesti conquered all of refined admirers around Europe - as sovereigns, aristocrats, politicians, as people unknown.
One of the best winemakers, P.C. Cazimir, at that time brought from France and has planted on his estate near Milestii Mici cuttings of new varieties progressive. Abandoned quarries he thought to use them as storage for ready production.
Revolutions and wars have set the constant development of Moldovan wine.Just in the six decade of the last century has been done to restore the wineries, then in the seventh decade of last century remembered about careers and caves. Their galleries were consolidated, enlarged, furnished. Cricova Milestii Mici, Branesti are till now the largest underground storage of wine industry . They are whole towns with streets that extend hundreds of kilometers and spaces to keep sparkling wines, about 30,000 tons of wine varieties and 2 million bottles of collection.

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